Leveraging our experience in fundamental and event-driven investment strategies in public equities.
DRW Global Investments is a purpose-built business that expands the firm's portfolio of longer-term, strategic investments and leverages our experience in fundamental and event-driven investment strategies in public equities.
We employ an active investment management philosophy grounded in in-depth fundamental analysis paired with a thorough understanding of corporate events and capital markets related process.
DRWGI’s parent DRW is a diversified trading firm innovating across both traditional and cutting-edge markets. Founded in 1992 by Don Wilson, DRW currently has over 10 offices around the world and employs over 2,000 employees globally.
Alongside its diverse trading businesses that cover futures, options, bonds, ETFs, equities, physical commodities, currencies and crypto, DRW owns Convexity Properties, a full-service real-estate investment firm, as well as DRW Venture Capital focused on investments in financial and enterprise technology firms.