Fixed Income, Currencies & Commodities

We strive to be your first call for liquidity in exchange traded products.

DRW is active in 2,186 futures and options markets on 42 exchanges across 24 countries around the world.

Transact with DRW, the end point of liquidity.

By executing your block trades directly with DRW, you are able to keep the information that is associated with that transaction to just one trusted risk taker, you have a direct line of communication with the specialist trader providing the liquidity, it ensures instantaneous risk transfer to minimize slippage and transaction costs, and reduces the overall footprint of your strategy.

We continuously refine our quantitative models and advanced technology to provide consistent and dependable liquidity, even in the most volatile of conditions. We have earned a particularly strong market share in a number of products across asset classes.



  • Eurodollars, SOFR and BSBY
  • Euribor and SONIA
  • US and EUR bonds
  • Listed swap futures
  • ERIS swaps
fx & crypto

FX & Crypto

  • G10 FX derivatives
  • Metals options
  • BTC and ETH spot, futures, options and NDFs


  • Brent Crude
  • Natural Gas
  • Soybeans, wheat and corn
  • Sugar, cocoa
  • Live cattle, feeder cattle and lean hogs

Trading larger, faster and smarter

DRW is comprised of roughly 100 teams, spanning 5 countries, that trade futures and options (including basis trades and complex spreads) across the following four broad asset classes, on venues around the world.

Get in touch.